ONLINE TALK Peat Free Growing: understanding peat-free compost ingredients and how to use peat-free products. It’s time to swot up on the peat-free basics, peat compost is being banned for use by amateur gardeners at the end of this year. Join us for the first talk of 2024 and learn how to use peat-free alternatives. Whether you’re just starting out or want to refine your growing practices - Garden Organic's Anton Rosenfeld will offer practical advice and techniques in this online Zoom talk. The talk is free to members and the link for the meeting will be e-mailed to members in time for the talk. The fee for Non-Members is £3 - please contact Tattenhall Gardening Society at our e-mail address (on the talk poster poster & displayed on the website heading) to arrange payment and the link will be sent to you.