Plant Sale

The Barbour Institute - The Millfield High Street, Tattenhall, Cheshire, United Kingdom

Plant Sale On the Millfield next to the Barbour Institute. Come and bag yourself some plant bargains, plus there's always the chance of acquiring some rarity you've been after for ages.  Plus growing advice , of course! Donations of plants are gratefully accepted, so please can we ask for your generosity once again in potting up spare bits of plants or seedlings?  If you have anything to drop off, please can you bring it to the Millfield between 9.00-10.30?  The earlier the better as we will need time to sort and price donations before the opening time. Labels with the plant name and variety are always appreciated. This year we are going to tape off the sales area until 10.30am, so although you're very welcome to look around before the Sale opens we won't be reserving plants or doing advance sales.  This is so that everyone who turns up on time has a fair chance of being able to bag their selections. Profits from the Plant Sale help to pay for the Village Show

NGS Garden: Tattenhall Hall

Tattenhall Hall High Street, Tattenhall, Cheshire, United Kingdom

Local Garden in Tattenhall Village open for the National Garden Scheme. Plant enthusiasts' garden around Jacobean house (not open). 4½ acres, wildflower meadows, interesting trees, large pond, stream, walled garden, colour themed borders, succession planting, spinney walk with shade plants, yew terrace overlooking meadow, views to hills. Glasshouse and vegetable garden. Wildlife friendly, sometimes untidy garden, interest year-round, continuing to develop.


SUMMER VISIT 1 – Lisa Borghesi & Chester Zoo Nature Reserve with Chloe Aldridge

Cheshire Market Gardens Mannings Lane, Chester, Cheshire, United Kingdom

This is a joint trip to visit two sites to the northern outskirts of Chester. Transport is not provided and participants need to make their own way to the sites - car sharing is encouraged (there is limited parking at Cheshire Market Gardens). We will be meeting at Cheshire Market Gardens on Mannings Lane at 17.30 to see the 'no-dig' garden of Lisa Borghesi who came to speak to us last October. At approximately 18.30 we will move onto the Chester Zoo Nature Reserve, where you can choose to follow the guided tour of the reserve with Chloe Aldridge (also a previous TGS speaker on several occasions) or follow your own path. The car park closes at 21.00 so we will need to leave before then! Pre-booking IN ADVANCE only please (ASAP now).  Please pay via bank transfer to the Tattenhall Gardening Society account then email the society email address confirming the number & names of attendees.  Any queries to the TGS email address (detailed on page header).   CHESHIRE MARKET GARDENS What3Words: Google point: 53°12'41.6"N 2°51'37.3"W CHESTER ZOO NATURE RESERVE what3words: push.banana.seated Google point: 53°13'42.6"N 2°53'10.7"W



Mintopia Fullersmoor Cottage, Brown Knowl, Cheshire, United Kingdom

Si Poole is the holder of one of the National Plant Collections of Mint and has previously given us a fascinating talk on his mint collection (May 2022). Si will be opening his garden in conjunction with an Open Art Studio for Louisa Boyd on Saturday 15th July - this is a fabulous opportunity to see a lovely garden, expand your mint collection and see some amazing artwork inspired by our beautiful local countryside. Louisa's Art studio will also be open on Sunday 16th July 10am-4pm BUT THE GARDEN IS NOT OPEN ON THIS DAY DIRECTIONS Fullersmoor Cottage, Brown Knowl, CH3  what3words///captive.jolly.shook Access is via Sherrington Lane, third drive on the right as you turn to Brown Knowl by The Sandstone Pub (CH3 9JH what3words ///rectangular.phantom.conforms).  Look for an 'Open Studio' sign and a circular arch on the driveway.   If you are coming by car, you are welcome to park on the pub car park.


SUMMER VISIT 2 – Garden Visit Crewe Hill, Crewe-by-Farndon

TGS have arranged a private view of the garden at Crewe Hill in Crewe-by-Farndon, part of the Barnston Estate Crewe Hill has been a family home since the late 18th century and underwent a major garden restoration project in the 1980s. Having travelled the world in the course of work, Michael and Inger returned to Cheshire in 1983 and started to create a garden that would reflect their travels and love of unusual trees and shrubs.  We hope to have an introductory talk by the head gardener but this is still tbc. Start time is 14.30. Cost will be £5 per person (whether member or not). Payment in advance only, please pay via bank transfer to the TGS account then confirm the numbers and names attending to the TGS email address(see top of page).  An e-mail has been sent to members with the bank details but non-members can contact our e-mail address for details. Please share transport if possible. More detailed directions will be sent on to attendees nearer the time.   


Village Show 2023

The Barbour Institute - Main Hall High Street, Tattenhall, Cheshire, United Kingdom

The doors open at 9am, and exhibitors are invited to lodge their entry forms by 11.30am at the latest and have their exhibits staged by 12 noon. The hall and exhibit rooms will be closed at noon to allow judging to take place. The doors will re-open at 2.30pm when exhibitors can discover their fate and the public can view all the exhibits. Prize giving will take place in the hall at approximately 3.00pm, exhibitors can collect their exhibits after the prize giving ceremony has finished. All exhibits to be collected by 4.00pm. No cost to enter exhibits, a £1 entry fee to view exhibits (free for kids)

ONLINE TALK Peat Free Growing: understanding peat-free compost ingredients and how to use peat-free products. It’s time to swot up on the peat-free basics, peat compost is being banned for use by amateur gardeners at the end of this year. Join us for the first talk of 2024 and learn how to use peat-free alternatives. Whether you’re just starting out or want to refine your growing practices - Garden Organic's Anton Rosenfeld will offer practical advice and techniques in this online Zoom talk. The talk is free to members and the link for the meeting will be e-mailed to members in time for the talk.   The fee for Non-Members is £3 - please contact Tattenhall Gardening Society at our e-mail address (on the talk poster poster & displayed on the website heading) to arrange payment and the link will be sent to you.    


The Barbour Institute - Billiard Room High Street, Tattenhall, Cheshire, United Kingdom

Richard Smedley In the upstairs room at the BI (the Billiard Room). Our speaker is Richard Smedley who trained at Kew and worked at the former Ryton Organic Gardens (now Garden Organic). He will be speaking on the subject of 'Edible Landscapes'. And – hurrah! – he lives in East Cheshire so he'll know all about our grey skies, soggy gardens, etc when passing on growing tips. 


Bolesworth Castle Tattenhall

Bolesworth Castle Gardens open for NGS 10 & 11 May   Mrs Barbour has asked us to publicise the NGS Open Days at the Castle 10 & 11 May.    As you know, this is in aid of the various charities supported by the NGS.  If the weather's good, there should be a lovely show of rhododendrons (pic below) plus there are refreshments.   The Rock Walk, which stretches for half a mile above the castle, offers stunning views across the Welsh Hills and Liverpool. Originally planted by Anthony Barbour in 1986, the collection has since been expanded with many new camellias, rhododendrons, azaleas, and other spring plants.   New paths have been created, and original stone features have been restored. The visit will take you up the Bridge Walk before climbing up to The Rock Walk, continuing through the castle gardens, and rounding the lake.   A single loop will see you reach 10,000 steps!   Children aged 12 and above are welcome, as are well-behaved dogs on leads (please pick up after them). Please note we regret this garden is not accessible to wheelchairs or buggies.   The Lost Barn Coffee Roasters will be onsite, selling soup, tea, coffee, and cake. Further information (including directions) at What3Words address:  ///standing.proved.emotional    


The Barbour Institute - The Millfield High Street, Tattenhall, Cheshire, United Kingdom

On the Millfield next to the Barbour Institute. Come and bag yourself some plant bargains, plus there’s always the chance of acquiring some rarity you’ve been after for ages.  Plus growing advice, of course! Donations of plants are gratefully accepted, so please can we ask for your generosity once again in potting up spare bits of plants or seedlings?  Please bring plant donations to the Millfield from 9am onwards.  The earlier the better as we will need time to sort and price donations before the opening time. Labels with the plant name and variety are always appreciated. The sales area will be taped off until the official start time of 10.00am. You are very welcome to look around before the Sale opens but we won’t be reserving plants or doing advance sales - this is to ensure everyone who turns up at the official opening time of 10am has a fair chance of being able to bag their selections. Profits from the Plant Sale help to pay for the Village Show


The Barbour Institute High Street, Tattenhall, Cheshire, United Kingdom

The doors open at 9am for exhibitors, who are invited to lodge their entry forms by 11.30am at the latest and have their exhibits staged by 12 noon. The hall and exhibit rooms will be closed at noon to allow judging to take place. The doors will re-open at 2.30pm to the public and exhibitors can discover their fate and the public can view all the exhibits. Prize giving will take place in the hall at approximately 3.00pm, exhibitors can collect their exhibits after the prize giving ceremony has finished. All exhibits to be collected by 4.00pm. No cost to enter exhibits, a £1 entry fee to view exhibits (free for kids) To download the schedule and entry forms please use the buttons below or refer to the Village Show page from the main menu.   



The Barbour Institute - Billiard Room High Street, Tattenhall, Cheshire, United Kingdom

James Ellson is a writer, smallholder, and bee keeper. He will be talking about the symbiotic relationships between honeybees, apple trees and humans. For more further information about James and his smallholding in the Peak District please see his website